St. Paul’s PACE: What Are the Benefits?

St. Paul’s PACE has changed the lives of thousands of seniors in San Diego. We can change your life too.

Our wrap-around care services and interdisciplinary team come together to create a plan of care that addresses your overall health, daily nutrition, social and emotional needs, physical therapy, and transportation so you can age safely in the comfort of your own home.

We’ve helped San Diego seniors rediscover the joys of life by regaining their health and independence. Let us help you too.

Do I Qualify?

See if You Qualify for PACE

Talk to an Enrollment Specialist to see if St. Paul’s PACE is right for you. Call 1-833-PACE NOW and ask about how to qualify for PACE, or you can fill out a free evaluation form online.


Benefits of St. Paul’s PACE for San Diego Seniors

  • St. Paul’s PACE has four primary care clinics throughout San Diego County, ensuring easy access to care. See our locations here.
  • All St. Paul’s PACE services are free to seniors who are on Medi-Cal or a combination of Medi-Cal and Medicare (those with a Medi-Cal share of cost are responsible for payment).
  • We provide telehealth and online medical appointments so participants do not need to leave their home for every appointment.
  • Our doctor-to-participant ratio is very low, so nurses and doctors know participants well and provide personalized care.
  • Doctors and medical teams specialize in geriatric care, which means no one knows your body better than the staff here at St. Paul’s PACE.
  • We provide transportation to and from our medical centers so you do not have to arrange or pay for transportation.
  • St. Paul’s PACE provides preventative care, including physical therapy to increase strength.
  • Our interdisciplinary care team meets every day so we can collectively coordinate your health plan quickly to avoid long-term problems.
  • Each participant has a customized care plan, which is developed based on regular assessments of your physical, social, spiritual, and emotional health needs.
  • Each PACE site has dedicated National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy® state board certified nurses.
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(619) 677-3800

Give us a call to schedule your appointments, coordinate your care and more.

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Last updated on May 16th, 2024 at 2:37 am - St. Paul’s PACE website H5629 2102 - Approved on 3/23/2021

St. Paul's PACE